By Exertus
For some reason, people sometimes think that there is a certain cut-off point for applying for new jobs or changing the direction of their careers. Individuals that have obtained senior positions in their previous companies are too afraid to apply for new job opportunities because they might feel their age is a disadvantage.
This article is here to tell you that your age is nothing but a valuable number in the journey of a job search.
The scarcity of job opportunities as a senior might have occurred because this ‘generation’ wasn’t computer literature or did now show enough passion for their field of expertise. Well, we are here to tell you that the 20-something job search exclusivity is something off the past.

Career coach and author of ‘Achieving the Good Life After 50: Tools and Resources for making it happen”, Rene Roseberg is against the notion of unemployed individuals over the age of 50 not being able to get any work. In reaction to this stigma Renee had the following to say:
"Discrimination is not necessarily the reason people over 50 can’t find work. Ms. Reid’s job search approach may be the real reason she remains unemployed. In my experience many job hunters in their 50s, 60s and even 70s land good jobs. They contact people and build relationships, even when job openings do not exist". – Rene Roseberg
Follow these Job Searching Tips to cancel out the competition:
Know Your Value
Don’t even begin to think that being over 50 automatically means that you are past your working prime. Fifty is the new thirty and the senior workforce is part of an exclusive market that’s high in demand. As a senior job hunter you should know your value, understand that companies are looking for experienced workers and will highly value your expertise. Don’t downplay your talents, skills and achievements just because others aren’t mentioning it.
Re-evaluate Your Motivation
Your motivation for getting a job has most probably changed a bit from when you were 20. Back in the day your biggest motivation was probably to get money in order to move out of the house or buy your own car. Now you might be interested in a particular job purely because you are passionate about the business. Ask yourself these important questions so that you can present yourself in a truthful matter and know which jobs to apply for.
Knowing your reasons for becoming employed will allow you to better prepare for your interview and give a clear indication of your expectations.
Be an Eager Beaver
When applying for jobs alongside the ever so excited youth, you have to match and exceed them on all levels possible. As a senior job hunter you already know that you have the relevant experience and wisdom that comes with working for an x amount of years, but are you as excited about it as they are?
Try to come across positive, full of energy and passionate about the position without trying too hard. There is a certain level of enthusiasm that goes along with maturity. You don’t have to dance around and sings songs to be noticed, but showcase your fresh opinion on matters and your willingness to learn by being open to new challenges and opportunities.
Stay with the Trends
One of the most important factors of modern day job search is being on top of the trends. If you are still waiting for the Saturday newspaper in order for the latest jobs it will take ages to become employed. There are numerous job board and job sites online that brings you the latest job openings in your respective fields. With online tutorials and free study guides, it’s never too late to start learning.
Make sure that you are completely computer literate and accustomed with social media and internet trends. You don’t have to have a profile on every single platform, but make sure you know what they are about. Even if you think these platforms aren’t relevant to your position, they are the main platform for modern day communication and every company needs to communicate.
Join the Networking Age
When it comes to networking you most probably know a lot more influential people than the average graduate. Use this to your advantage and contact old friends and acquaintances about possible job openings and references.
In the digital age networking has become rather important and prospective employers want to know how far your influence reaches. This influence is determined by your following on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. Linkedin can be seen as an online resume where the job seeker can showcase their skills and valuable connections.
Fight the Stereotype
Another great tip when it comes to job hunting, is fighting the stereotype of ‘being old’. Don’t try and act young, but don’t be the obvious cynical senior by debating every topic and judging anything and everything that is different from you and your beliefs.
Age is a number and only that. If you do not let it become an obstacle, then it will not be one.